

Our vision


Harlesden Primary acknowledges the importance of teaching Physical Education in a safe and supportive environment for our students’ learning and development. We intend to deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that will expose students to a variety of different sports and experiences, and promote collaboration and co-operation in a competitive setting. All students will be able to access the PE curriculum, to ensure everyone can thrive.  Harlesden promotes a healthy and active lifestyle, not just for students’ physical well-being but emotional as well. Physical Education helps to develop key skills that students will carry through to all aspects of life, including self-confidence, commitment, respect, social skills, resilience and the ability to manage emotions. Through learning these skills we create leaders in our school community and provide them with a sense of achievement.

If you require any further information about our P.E. curriculum, please contact the school and our subject leader will get back to you.

Email: homelearning@harlesden.brent.sch.uk

Phone: 0208 9657445

Year 1_2 Movement and direction.pdf .pdf
Year 4 football.pdf .pdf