
Our Vision



Our White Rose Maths curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. The curriculum develops mathematical resilience, through coherently planned and sequenced lessons, which recognises that mathematics underpins much of our daily lives. Key vocabulary is progressively built upon, from Early Years. All children are challenged in maths and encouraged to excel. Pupils develop an ability to solve problems, reason and think logically. Pupils are given real-life scenarios displaying the importance of Maths in everyday life. This encourages pupils to be lifelong maths learners, who are prepared for a successful future. White Rose helps cater for all types of learners as arithmetic and basic maths skills are practiced daily to ensure key mathematics concepts are embedded and children can recall this information. We support all our students in maths as our curriculum allows for us to differentiate for our students. Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we want our children to know the purpose behind their learning and to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives by providing students with experiences. We extend pupils’ knowledge through the introduction of a weekly depth question for all year groups and abilities that will be personal to their learning.

The impact of our Maths curriculum is evident through pupil voice - children talk enthusiastically about Maths. They can articulate, using mathematical terms, the context in which maths is being taught and relate this to real-life purpose. Pupils know how and why maths is used in the outside world and the different ways in which maths can support their future potential.

Mathematical skills are mastered when a child can show it in a multiple of ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Pupils can use this vocabulary in maths lessons and have the skills to use methods independently building reliance when talking problems. All pupils secure long-term deep and adaptable understanding of maths which they can apply in different context.

Summative assessment through the use of White Rose Maths tests are completed at the end of each term, allowing teachers to outline the gaps in knowledge and inform their teaching. Testing shows students achieving at the expected for their Age Related Expectations and those who have gaps will receive interventions and support. Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 do a weekly mental maths test that allows teachers to address misconceptions weekly this continuously monitors progress against attainment for their age and the material they have been taught.



If you require any further information about our Maths curriculum, please contact the school and our subject leader will get back to you.
Phone: 0208 9657445


Useful web pages:

EYFS Calculation policy.pdf .pdf
KS1 KS2 Calculation policy.pdf .pdf
Year 5 White Rose yearly overview.pdf .pdf
Year 6 White Rose yearly overview.pdf .pdf
Year group overviews.docx .docx
Year6SummerSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year6SpringSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year6GuidanceYearlyOverview.pdf .pdf
Year6AutumnSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year5SummerSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf


Our Vision



Our White Rose Maths curriculum is ambitious for all pupils. The curriculum develops mathematical resilience, through coherently planned and sequenced lessons, which recognises that mathematics underpins much of our daily lives. Key vocabulary is progressively built upon, from Early Years. All children are challenged in maths and encouraged to excel. Pupils develop an ability to solve problems, reason and think logically. Pupils are given real-life scenarios displaying the importance of Maths in everyday life. This encourages pupils to be lifelong maths learners, who are prepared for a successful future. White Rose helps cater for all types of learners as arithmetic and basic maths skills are practiced daily to ensure key mathematics concepts are embedded and children can recall this information. We support all our students in maths as our curriculum allows for us to differentiate for our students. Maths is the foundation for understanding the world and we want our children to know the purpose behind their learning and to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives by providing students with experiences. We extend pupils’ knowledge through the introduction of a weekly depth question for all year groups and abilities that will be personal to their learning.

The impact of our Maths curriculum is evident through pupil voice - children talk enthusiastically about Maths. They can articulate, using mathematical terms, the context in which maths is being taught and relate this to real-life purpose. Pupils know how and why maths is used in the outside world and the different ways in which maths can support their future potential.

Mathematical skills are mastered when a child can show it in a multiple of ways, using the mathematical language to explain their ideas and can independently apply the concept to new problems in unfamiliar situations. Pupils can use this vocabulary in maths lessons and have the skills to use methods independently building reliance when talking problems. All pupils secure long-term deep and adaptable understanding of maths which they can apply in different context.

Summative assessment through the use of White Rose Maths tests are completed at the end of each term, allowing teachers to outline the gaps in knowledge and inform their teaching. Testing shows students achieving at the expected for their Age Related Expectations and those who have gaps will receive interventions and support. Pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 do a weekly mental maths test that allows teachers to address misconceptions weekly this continuously monitors progress against attainment for their age and the material they have been taught.



If you require any further information about our Maths curriculum, please contact the school and our subject leader will get back to you.
Phone: 0208 9657445


Useful web pages:

EYFS Calculation policy.pdf .pdf
KS1 KS2 Calculation policy.pdf .pdf
Year 5 White Rose yearly overview.pdf .pdf
Year 6 White Rose yearly overview.pdf .pdf
Year group overviews.docx .docx
Year6SummerSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year6SpringSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year6GuidanceYearlyOverview.pdf .pdf
Year6AutumnSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf
Year5SummerSmallStepsSummary.pdf .pdf